Listen to God’s voice
Prayer is the life-force of our church. It connects us to the living God and provides the foundation for everything we do as a church. There are many opportunities for you to join with others in prayer for our church, community, country and the nations.
Weekly Prayer We encourage all the connect groups to pray when they meet weekly. This is an opportunity for us as a spiritual family to stand together with our friends and support one another by praying for each other.
Worship Services We pray every Sunday before the worship service from 7:45-8:10 am.
Weekly Prayer Meeting Every Monday between 17:30 to 19:00pm, we join as a body to pray.
Prophetic Every believer can hear the voice of God and can communicate His heart to others. Every believer has the ability and the call to prophesy at some level; and has access to God’s power and the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12:7; Acts 2:39). Prophetic Ministry Team members must first complete the basic prophetic course, Hearing God’s Voice, after which they are invited to the monthly prophetic team training.